Zákony státu jsou více než náboženská pravidla Únor 21, 2017 898 × 701 Zákony státu jsou více než náboženská pravidla Zákony státu jsou více než náboženská pravidla
You’re right, I agree, but what to do when the laws of the land don’t keep up with the tide of reality
You’re right, I agree, but what to do when the laws of the land don’t keep up with the tide of reality
That’s the truth, and I see it clearly too
I would like to express my gratitude.
Just wanted to say thanks!
Thx so much ! Appreciate the useful information.
Thank you so much for helping me.
I am 40 year old mom Just saying thanks!
Thanks so much for sharing the info.
This information is so amazing thanks!
thanks for sharing. I will try.